Professional Photographer Mai Duong, the most enthusiastic photographer you will ever meet.

Miss. P’s Second Birthday Party

Birthday Party Photos
The Birthday Girl got her very own cake to eat with her hands

This has to be the best birthday party I’ve ever been to.  It was for a two year old girl who loved the sound of music, the color pink, and icing.  Her mom put so much effort into planning her little girl’s first birthday bash (the first one is never truly appreciated).  A cake was made with the sound of music ornaments, along with a separate cake just for the birthday girl.  We sang happy birthday, the birthday girl sang along, and her mother started to tear up!

And later, it was present time.  Her last gift was a giant gift.  Unwrapped revealed to be a giant tupperwear box.  Opened it revealed… beach toys!  “Look, P, it’s sandbox toys.  Let’s go find a sandbox!”  We all walked outside to the side of the house, and what was there?  A sandbox.  That’s just magic at work.  They actually found a sandbox.

Birthday Party Photos Birthday Party Photos
Sound of Music Cake and Sandbox toys

Birthday Party Photos

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